New Month, New Rescue

Support of Norcal Boxer Rescue through the Etsy shop ends today. We were able to donate a decent sum considering the slowdown after the holidays. March donations from the Etsy shop profits will go to benefit Northwest Boxer Rescue. This includes custom orders placed through there. I’ve added a few items recently to the shop as well. And I’m hoping to introduce more throughout the upcoming week.

I still have a ton of customizable options I have not been able to add to the gallery or shop. So if you are looking for something completely unique, hit me up and I can suggest one of those options yet to be seen.

Lastly, I appreciate all the support I’ve gotten over the past year. It has been crazy how quickly the business is growing. Please continue to spread the word about the shop. The potential for what we can do for rescue boxers is far from being reached. On behalf of myself and my two boxers, thank you.






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