Boxer Rescue Fundraising 2020

Our last post of 2020 is simply Thank You. I appreciate each and every one of you that have been a part of our journey.

The first year we started combining art with boxer rescue was 2014. And we help raised $1580 total that year. I remember thinking, “that’s great! I want to beat that total next year”….

And we have beat our totals each year since. I didn’t expect to do that this year when everything started shutting down in March. But we did.

This year we helped raise $18,513.75 for nine different boxer rescues! I cannot wait to try and top that total in 2021. We have some big projects coming that we are very excited about.

If you are with a rescue, and we haven’t already talked about 2021, please feel free to message me to get on the calendar.

Thank you everyone. See you next year 🐾






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