February News

Sun’s out, dogs out 🌞

Sorry everyone! I was waiting for Wigglin’ Home Boxer Rescue-WHBR to announce the raffle winner. And they were waiting for me! The winner is……Jason Lipnos. Congratulations Jason! And thank you again everyone who participated. It was great seeing a bunch of familiar names supporting the fundraiser, but also some new ones. All $1823.23 raised went to the boxers at WHBR.

We are going to relax the next few days. But the next fundraiser starts Friday I believe. We painted a very cool boxer statue for Boxer Luv Rescue and they will be doing a fundraiser on their page. When I have all the details I will post them on our Facebook page. And please go follow the BLR page. If you want a peek of the statue, there is a picture on our blog in a previous post.

We’re taking Valentine’s day card custom orders till this Friday. And the shop has been updated with a few small original boxer love paintings.

I’m all caught up on custom orders. At least those that people have sent pictures in for. I’m going to start prepping a few things for different rescues. Do some fun original work if I have any free time. But mostly this will be an easy going month spent with the Intern and Management. I’m trying to get back into a workout routine after losing 30lbs at the end of 2020. And also design a solo show I’ve been dreaming about. So not much new coming to the shop this month. And if anything does it may just be a quick drop or a Management Monday (since we haven’t had one of those in a while).






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