Buckner’s Extravaganza

Buckner’s Extravaganza is my annual event celebrating the life of my first boxer and the reason I do artwork for boxer rescue fundraising, Buckner. Since his passing from DM in July of 2018, every September we dedicate the month to boxer artwork. On September 21st at 8am PST the shop will be updated with all new, one of a kind boxer artwork for purchase. The money from this goes towards funding my boxer artwork for rescues the 2022 year.

This year though, we will finally have the auction I have always wanted in conjunction with my shop update. The auction portion will start on our facebook page and be in the “Buckner’s Extravaganza” photo album. We will have two large ten inch boxer statues by me, plus a bunch of other boxer related artwork from a number of other artists (including that mug pictured above by South Georgia Clay Pottery). The auction will start September 21st at 8am PST as well and end September 26th 8pm PST. All money raised from the auction will be going to the rescue boxers at R & R Boxer Rescue. This is a rescue I have been involved with for a long time now. They are an extremely dedicated group who takes in boxers most in need. They have a lot of medical bills so we will be contributing towards that.

So keep an eye out as I add items to the Buckner’s Extravaganza auction album on our facebook page. And I will show sneak peeks at stuff coming to the etsy shop update over the next several weeks. Honey Boxer, pictured above, will be in the shop update as a one of one. Along with some hand painted wooden boxer cutouts, small boxer figurines, angel ornaments and much, much more. If you are a boxer fanatic, this is the event you don’t want to miss.






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