The Hummingbird

This piece just kinda happened over the weekend. People ask me often, how long does it take to make one piece? And I always say it just depends on how clearly I see it in my head.

I had been wanting to do a hummingbird piece for some time. I had a momma hummingbird set up in my yard and make a nest etc. And it was just an amazing thing to witness the process. Before that if I saw a hummingbird it was a blink and then it was gone. But for weeks I got to just watch her set up for the arrival of eggs.

So I had a flash of what I wanted the color to look like in the early morning hours Thursday (when I was supposed to be sleeping). Friday afternoon I was able to lay down those colors and my mind was blank of how to proceed from there. Then Saturday afternoon, it all just came together. In a matter of six hours I was able to lay down the creation in my mind in three dimensional form.

This is the only one I’m making (though I have some smaller hummingbirds for a Vixen style project down the line). It will be in the etsy shop tomorrow, Sunday sometime in the morning after my son wakes me up.






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