Rubber Ducky Boxer

Getting prepared for Buckner’s Extravaganza in September. If you don’t know what that is, it’s our biggest boxer event of the year, in honor of my first boxer Buckner. We have an auction and a large shop update. Everything raised in the auction this year will go to support Tyson’s Wonder Wheels. Tyson’s helps people get wheelchairs for free for their mobility impaired dogs. Having a wheelchair is huge for a DM dog, since using the legs is one of the only ways to slow the progression of the disease.

We have ten artists this year, offering a variety of items.

The shop update with all things boxer, will include this Rubber Ducky Boxer. Along with a few other items. Sales in the shop go in my rescue fund, financing my rescue related projects for the next year. I don’t plan on putting a lot of items in the shop. I do want the main focus to be on the auction. And in 2023 I think our fundraising efforts will be a little scaled back. Motherhood is my priority at this point. But I will continue to try and help rescues as best I can with my time.






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