The Shed Update etc

If you follow us on Facebook you heard our art shed flooded after all the rain here in California and we had damage/mold. We have found the source of how the water got in. Dried everything out. Took care of the mold. In terms of loss, it could have been worse (I keep reminding myself). Most of the damage was to older paintings/canvas, some shipping supplies like big cardboard boxes for shipping large paintings, and things like backer board etc for watercolors. None of the boxer statues for fundraising were effected. And the designer toys, dragons, sculptures are all good.

So the next steps for me are doing some modifications on the outside of the shed to prevent this from happening again in the future. I also have to go through the Etsy shop and remove the paintings that were lost. So the shop will remain closed a while longer.

When the shop re-opens, we will have the option of ordering custom wood boxes. People keep offering donations or go fund me pages, and while I very much appreciate the offer, I cannot accept money like that. I prefer offering up custom boxes for sale to maybe recoup some of the loss. I know the boxes are popular so hopefully we can get everyone who has been messaging about them an opportunity to snag one. I will announce the shop re opening date after this weekend for sure, but look more towards May.

During the clean out, I did find a bunch of cool things I had forgotten about. Including a couple of really big boxer statues I am going to paint up for our rescue auction in September.

But….if you can’t wait till September, our dear friend Sharon is looking to auction off some of her vintage boxer statue collection. We’ll be doing this on the 5149 & 1/2 Art Facebook page and part of the money raised will go to rescue (we are still figuring out which rescue). But for now, stay tuned and we’ll announce the details on social media as soon as we have them nailed down. She has a vast collection of boxers as you can see from the picture below.

Management has been enjoying the last few weeks of sunshine. And this weekend we are celebrating the Intern turning 4. So she will be sitting poolside getting pets from tons of kids and trying to scrounge for food 😉 I will post pictures from the party here for those that love seeing our favorite boss dog 🐾.






One response to “The Shed Update etc”

  1. Jan Hermes Avatar
    Jan Hermes

    So sorry about the flood. I hope everything gets fixed quickly. Keep posting pictures of those wonderful boxer babies. I’m getting really close to taking the boxer plunge (again) bwish I could wave a wand and rid them of that cancer gene. Thanks for all you do on their behalf!

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