
Kona came into our lives sometime in July of 2021. We had lost our dear Mookie in April quite suddenly. The house was very empty (save for the Intern). And my husband and I thought we would try vacation fostering. Just to see how we felt about possibly adding a dog to our family again. I remember getting the message about Kona. Her foster family was going to Hawaii for ten days. She was potty trained, super mellow, and all she wanted to do was be around the family. They sent a picture and I thought, oh good, I’m not going to fall in love with this dog. I know that sounds horrible. But she was a senior (which we swore up and down we didn’t want to adopt a senior). She didn’t have a traditional boxer look to her (had a longer snout like maybe she was a mix). She didn’t look like Buckner or Mookie. And her face had what was described as a ‘stroke look’ to it. So I was thinking perfect. I don’t want to fall in love with a dog I’m just supposed to watch for ten days. I just want to see how it would be to have a dog, that was mobile, back in the house and around our now very mobile toddler (Mookie was paralyzed the last almost hear of her life).

We pick her up and take her home. And to say all she wanted to do was be around her people was an understatement. She DID NOT want to be outside. Not even to potty. If you wanted her to potty, you had to go out with her, and stand right beside her. She acted as if we would run inside without her and close the slider and just leave her. She followed me room to room. And she had to be touching me pretty much 99.9 percent of the time. But boy, did she love the Intern. I’m not sure if it was because he was constantly sharing his food with her. Or she just felt that genuine love he had for her (he was always trying to hug her/pet her and we had to keep a close eye).

At some point in the ten days I noticed she was knuckling. I asked her foster parents and they said she had trouble on hard wood floors and just thought it was because she was a senior. By the end of the vacation foster stint, I was in love. I missed her after dropping her off. And I casually started asking her foster family a million questions about if she had any interest or meet n greets coming up.

We found out that she had one potential adopter looking at her. The adopter was very adamant though about a potty trained dog. The rescue never guaranteed potty training for their dogs. So beside that sticking point, she was due to meet these potential adopters on the weekend. I told my husband I wanted Kona. I missed her and I really felt like she belonged with us. He said, “she’s got what Buck had you know,” (aka Degenerative Myelopathy)

Meaning he noticed the drunken walk and knuckling she had been doing on her stay at our house. I said yeah, but we can handle that. He thought about it. He knew like I did if this family that wanted a potty trained dog adopted her and she ended up with DM that they were going to return her to the rescue or worse, just put her down at the diagnosis. So my husband says, if they don’t adopt her, then we will. I filled out the app and let the foster family know. On a side note, we almost didn’t pass the app process. Whole other story, but can you imagine that?

Anyways, the other family didn’t go ahead with an adoption. We immediately started harassing the foster family about picking Kona up lol And the rest is history. A mammory cancer surgery and a diagnosis of DM and MMM later, we had the absolute best two years with Kona. On her last morning, I made her fried eggs. Got her a batch of McDonald’s chicken nuggets and let her have a bowl of vanilla ice cream with nilla wafers. She passed away peacefully in my arms at home being told how much I loved her and sharing all the messages that had been sent in by friends, family and her long time followers.

I wrote her a letter today….

“Dear Kona,

I keep thinking that I hear you in the next room. I find myself looking at the time and thinking i better take Kona out. Or after getting on my workout clothes this morning, I went to the front room to move you to the gym only to realize you weren’t there. And the gym couch where you would watch me was so empty. I hate coming home from dropping your brother at school and not seeing you. I hate how quiet it is. I hate that when Ax doesn’t finish his eggs in the morning I can’t just hand the plate to you. I hate that this evening when I get my ‘mommy hour’ to myself I wont have you to snuggle with in bed and watch stupid netflix shows with.

I don’t feel like I did good enough by you. There were times when it was so hard carrying you outside, like after I injured my ankle playing softball. Or times I yelled at you to be quiet because you were barking at the school kids and your brother had finally fallen asleep for a nap. I should have done better. I should have taken you more places. I should have included you in more family stuff instead of worrying about having my hands full with your brother.

I hope you think I was a good mom. I hope you were as happy to be a part of our family as we were to have you in it. I loved letting you lick my spoon when I ate ice cream. I loved how you only very rarely gave kisses because each little one I got was so special. I loved how you were so clearly mine. You loved your daddy and you loved your brother but I knew I was your favorite. I love how you would put your head on the pillow in bed like a human and lay beside me looking at me, snoring, farting. And I loved your little stroke face. I miss you my pretty girl.

Love always,







10 responses to “Kona”

  1. Lili Hildreth Avatar
    Lili Hildreth

    I pray for you to have more “I love” memories so you can be at peace with your time with Kona. I know that Kona had her very best life with you and your family. She will always be with you and she is so enjoying running and chasing butterflies🦋 My prayers are for you and your family to find the next angel who needs you and the one that will help heal your hearts. Because that’s what they do❤️

    1. 5149acp Avatar

      Thank you so much. We already have rescues reaching out to us with dogs that they feel would benefit in our home. I don’t see us being without a fur baby for long

  2. Sandy Anderson Avatar
    Sandy Anderson

    Sending prayers for you guys. I too had a sweet boxer rescue for a short time . Jasmine was only with us three short years. She was dumped at the shelter after a breeder was done using her. My rescue passed away and I went into the shelter to meet a few dogs. None really picked me as they do! Then on my way out there’s our Jasi in the lobby with a volunteer. Don’t be too hard on yourself for anything my Jasi had a heart attack and was just gone in seconds. I blamed myself and just kept thinking I should’ve saved her somehow. My vet assured me there wasn’t anything I could do. And told me the three short years to me were the best of her life.

    1. 5149acp Avatar

      Thank you Sandy

  3. Kathy Struve Avatar
    Kathy Struve

    We always 2nd guess if we were good enough to them or for them. All they really want is to be loved. Kona was loved and had the life that all dogs deserve when she landed with you and your family. Thank you for giving her the BEST 2 years of her life and letting her go with so much love.

    1. 5149acp Avatar

      Thank you Kathy

  4. Betsy Avatar

    I am so sorry for your loss. As someone who has adopted 4 Boxers over age 9, none of whom made it more than two years, my heart breaks for you. The hardest thing is not feeling like we had them long enough to give them the life they deserved. Thank you for opening your heart to this sweet girl. She was lucky to have such a wonderful family who loved her in her last few years. Thinking of you and your family.

    1. 5149acp Avatar

      Thank you so Betsy

  5. Andrea Avatar

    Oh gosh! This story resonates with me. We lost our boxer to DM last year. When we decided to foster again after a long hiatus, our foster, who looks so much like Kona, started showing signs of DM. We didn’t want to go through it again, but we adore this dog so much. He will remain as a foster with us until he passes.

    Kona knew you loved her. Don’t for one minute think you weren’t the best family for her. Thank you for sharing her with us. I loved seeing her on social media.

    Big Hugs from Andrea and CBR Foster Chance

    1. 5149acp Avatar

      Thank you Andrea

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