Settling in

We picked up Linus on Saturday. It’s now Monday and I’m getting a lot of messages about how he is settling in. The picture above is from last night when he cuddled with me on the bed for a bit, just the two of us, watching a little tv together. I think that smile on his face says it all.

He has peed and pooped in the house a couple times now, (to my husbands chagrin). It is obvious that he was an outdoor dog. As in an all day and all night just left outside. Plus I figure he is still getting use to the house and where the door to go out is. All that. So I am not too worried about it. Today we haven’t had any accidents.

He is great in the crate. Getting in no issues and just chills out. For now he is sleeping in there at night but we figure eventually he will be in a bed at the end of our bed or with us in the bed. I am hoping way down the line to get him to sleep in the Intern’s room. Once I can get the Intern to sleep in his room at night that is and not on momma’s chest.

He doesn’t seem to understand treats. Is skeptical taking from my hand. Will absolutely try to get food off the table. Reminds me of Kona how he has been trying to get the Intern’s snacks.

In terms of how the Intern and Linus are getting along….Linus is great with the Intern. He is very careful and slow around him. Seems very aware of his size compared to my son. Just sniffs and likes to see what he is up to. Lets the Intern pet him. My son loves to get ‘kisses’ and Linus will definitely give them. Obviously we have been very careful about him getting in the dogs face and teaching him to give space. Sometimes my son is nervous around Linus. But by what he is saying to the dog, its like he thinks the dog might eat his toys.

Linus hasn’t barked at all. No barking when he sees people walk by out front or along the fence. He does not like the Intern swinging on the playset. He tries to stop him or jumps up on me like he being protective. Obviously having a son with sensory issues not swinging is not an option. So we have been working on it. Doing little pushes and Linus watches me closely.

Linus doesn’t react to loud noises or screaming. Which is great for my son who is on the spectrum and does have outbursts for lack of a better description. He does not like motorcycles though. We have had a few go by the house very loudly and he runs inside.

Toys have been a bit of an adjustment. Linus loves anything that squeaks. So I got rid of a few balls my son had that squeak. And I’ve been making sure the Intern knows there are doggy toys for the doggy only and he can’t play with them. The Intern also had to learn to keep the door to his room shut, because Linus kept sneaking out with stuff animals from the bed. And the Intern got his own tent, so he would stop trying to get in the doggy crate like it was a fort.

All in all, everyone is getting along great. It has been a huge adjustment having a dog that walks. Which might sound strange but keep in mind, over the last year Kona was completely immobile. I was literally taking her out to pee/poop, carrying her to each room and getting her set up depending on where I would be for a length of time, bringing water to her, bringing food to her, flipping her so she wasn’t on one side for too long, etc. Now I have two shadows following me everywhere and hanging out with me in the bathroom. He has tried to get on the treadmill with me twice now. That was a life flash before my eyes kinda moment.

All in all, I am not regretting my decision. I do feel like I am adjusting as much as he is. He stole half my lunch today because I stupidly left it on the table and went to the kitchen for ketchup being use to Kona. But the good news is I no longer have to vacuum as much because crumbs from the Intern magically disappear 😉






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