Rescue Boxers and Artwork


This is that time of year where we announce how much our artwork was able to raise for rescue boxers. Unfortunately this year, we didn’t do as well as we had hoped when 2017 began. Dealing with Management’s DM expenses took a toll on us financially as well mentally. And I only sent work to rescues who contacted me instead of reaching out more like I normally do. So without further ado, the artwork help raise almost $2,000 (spread amongst six different boxer rescues).

Now this is down from last years big total. But I’m considering it a minor setback of circumstance. And not anywhere near the standard I want to set.

As always, there will be a part of 5149 & 1/2 art that focuses on helping rescue boxers. I’m spending the rest of this year figuring out the best way to do that. I’m always open to suggestions. I know that one big goal for 2018 is an all boxer artwork show featuring a bunch of different artists. With all the proceeds going to rescue boxers.

Stay tuned for more announcements as we evolve our little company of artists run by boxers!

boxer art collage






One response to “Rescue Boxers and Artwork”

  1. Rose Jáquez Avatar
    Rose Jáquez

    That is still a great accomplishment Coach! And I’m sure all of the organizations, and especially the boxers, really appreciate all that you do!

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