“Love Boxer” fundraiser

Here is a sneak peek at a statue I am finishing up for boxer rescue fundraising. Gotta say I am smitten with how it is coming out and really looking forward to seeing people’s reactions to it. I think our rescue fundraising in 2021 will get off to a great start!

Can’t go without mentioning this ceramic figure came to us along with several other boxer figurines donated by a follower of our work, Cara. All she asked for in return is that one of the figures go to her favorite boxer rescue, Boxer Luv based out of Arizona (a rescue I know because of my bestie Lorie who introduced me their work years ago).

So they will be raffling this off through their page sometime in late January-early February. I’ll post details as well on my page and social media. He stands about 6 inches tall. Hand painted in fluid drip swirls of gloss black, pinks, reds, aquas, and metallics. He’s holding a rhinestone heart in his paw. One of one that will not be duplicated. And I keep saying ‘he’ but for those that get particular, its looking very Ken doll down there so it could easily pass either way.

Stay tuned for info on how to win this one of a kind piece of boxer artwork all while supporting rescue boxers!






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