Unicorn Boxers Fundraiser #1

Initially LBR was going to get all five of the Unicorn Boxers. But Sharon at Legacy Boxer Rescue wants to spread the love. And since I absolutely love those senior doggies, we’re going to be helping Charlie’s Foundation, an all breed rescue for senior dogs. All money raised will be going to help them with medical bills.

This will be like our previous fundraiser with them. Here is how it will work:

1. Donate to Charlie’s Foundation via Paypal: [email protected]

2. Send me a message via FB or Instagram showing you did that. I don’t need the personal information. Just your name and that screenshot that says the amount to Charlie’s. Feel free to put in the PayPal note ‘5149’ or ‘unicorn Boxer’.

3. Every $5 will be one entry.

4. Fundraiser starts now and will end Sunday evening at 8pm PST. All entries will go in a bucket. I will draw a name from the bucket.

5. Winner is responsible for shipping cost (which in the US will be $6).

6. Winner gets first pick at one of the five Unicorn Boxers.

Any questions, just ask 🙂 This is meant to be fun and raise money for dogs.






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