The Carolina Boxer Rescue Raffle

We made this 6 inch ceramic beauty to help with the medical bills at Carolina Boxer Rescue. If you’ve been following me for any length of time now, you know I rarely do the more natural colors. I wanted to make this extra special. CBR is running all the details of the fundraiser so I can continue to work on projects for more rescues.

Here’s how to enter the raffle and we cannot stress the importance of following these steps:

1. Raffle tickets are $5 each or 6 tickets for $20 – buy as many as you want.

2. Payment is accepted via PayPal (@savethenubs) or Venmo (@carolinaboxer)

3. In the notes section, please enter “5149 raffle” AND your phone number.

4. Please send a screen shot of your payment to [email protected] This is a double-check measure on our part to make sure a payment isn’t missed, please don’t forget to do it.

5. If one person is submitting the payment but another person with a different name is sending the screen shot, please let us know the name the payment is under in your email.

6. If you forget any of the steps above, don’t freak out – just email the address above and we’ll get it figured out.

7. If you have any questions at all, please email the address above.

The raffle will run from today through midnight on June 1st. The winner will be drawn on June 2nd.






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