Management Monday Returns

This past Saturday we finally got Management into a set of wheels to test out. She was hesitant only for a second, before following her brother along the sidewalk. We took a short little test drive. Need to make some adjustments to the chair and get a pair of booties for her back feet, but all in all it was a huge success. We will do a few more runs before our family vacation to the lake.

In the meantime, to celebrate the occasion, we are bringing Management Monday back this week. The one day auction on our facebook page will feature this one of a kind handpainted tiny box. Perfect for small keepsakes or jewelry. Auction will start Monday morning around 8am PST and end at 6pm PST. All on our Facebook page. With funds going towards Management’s care






2 responses to “Management Monday Returns”

  1. Paula Avatar

    Wonderful news on your furbaby an this trinket boxer jewelry box is adorable all the art work is fabulous

    1. 5149acp Avatar

      Thank you so much!

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