Category: Uncategorized

  • My Favorite Painting

    I’ve been trying to find inspiration for the last couple weeks to paint. By that I mean paint for enjoyment. I just haven’t had the desire to do it, much less anything else. Between Management’s health and stressing out over everything to do with the Intern (autism, early intervention programs, money to pay for programs,…

  • Management & MMM

    It has been over a week now since Management was diagnosed with MMM. What is masticatory myositis? Masticatory muscle myositis (MMM) is an immune system disorder in which the dog’s immune system identifies the dog’s own muscle tissue as foreign and attacks it. The masticatory muscles are the muscles involved with chewing. MMM causes these muscles…

  • Custom Options In the Shop

    Between my shed flooding, my car not starting and needing another one and the early interventions for my son’s autism I really can’t afford to be on a break anymore. I’m not complaining by any means. I know things can be much worse and I’m grateful for the life I lead. But that said, I…

  • Custom Painting Option

    Custom painting option on wood flats: I have three of option 1, five in option 2 and two in option 3. For custom boxer painting in either rainbow style (example pictured) or authentic style (example like your dog). $85 each includes shipping. If you need it by mother’s day please message. Any other breed besides…

  • The Shed Update etc

    If you follow us on Facebook you heard our art shed flooded after all the rain here in California and we had damage/mold. We have found the source of how the water got in. Dried everything out. Took care of the mold. In terms of loss, it could have been worse (I keep reminding myself).…

  • The Autism Journey

    It took some time between my son being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder last august, and finally telling people personally and professionally about it this past week. I was trying to figure out why I was so hesitant to say anything. I knew a large part had to do with people saying stupid stuff. I…

  • Back To Hiatus

    The shop update on March 1st was a huge success! I sold out of almost everything new save for the Penguin Love painting and Springtime Dragons. This littler financial boost will allow me to go back to hiatus stress free. Most people don’t know but my son was diagnosed with ASD last year. I’ve spent…

  • The Next Boxer Fundraiser

    Here is a look at the second statue I painted for Across America Boxer Rescue. This ten inch ceramic cropped ear rainbow boxer will be up for raffle through their Facebook page starting next week. The raffle will run for a week and all the details will be handled by AABR. This is the last…

  • The Shop Update

    The shop update is March 1st at 8am PST. Here is a preview of the items going in. I recommend if there is a piece that you absolutely must have, that you use the buy it now option on Etsy. Etsy allows multiple people to put an item in their cart, so your item is…

  • Custom Boxes Returning?

    Having a shop update but saying commissions are closed has some people confused and I’m getting messages about customs. Particularly custom boxes and if/when they will come back. So I am still considering myself on hiatus for time with family. But if you follow our Facebook page you may have seen our post about the…

  • Slick Bunnies!

    Someone asked me long ago if I would ever do any bunnies. With Easter coming up I thought now is as good a time as any to add to the zoo of animals I’ve painted up 😉 There will be nine total in this pose and two in a different pose. All handpainted and unique.…

  • Love You to the Moon and Back Boxers

    A good customer and friend recently mentioned the idea of love you to the moon and back and her boxer. And I told her I had painted a boxer way back with that theme in mind as a private commission. She said if I ever did anymore she would love one. So I decided to…