Category: Uncategorized

  • British Bulldog Rainbow angel

    A while back I was commissioned to do a custom bulldog angel. And I always make sure I have a second on hand to paint in case I make a mistake, drop it, act of God, etc. So I had this extra bulldog figure just hanging out waiting to be painted up. And I guess…

  • Pet Crocodiles

    When I was a kid, I thought there were crocodiles in the sewers. I saw something on tv where a small one gets flushed down the toilet alive and that sealed it for me. There had to be crocodiles growing big in the sewers of New York City. So when I starting painting these tiny…

  • Custom Box Work

    Finished this large classic custom box for a client. And it reminded me how much I enjoy the work. I will be opening custom orders again soon via the Etsy shop. Limited as usual so keep your eyes peeled on our Facebook page for the announcement.

  • “Peanut”

    New Peanut elephant. This Love you to the moon and back version has sold already. Five more will be coming to the shop by the end of May.

  • Turtles!

    New batch of Cecil & Bugs coming to the shop this Saturday morning!

  • Jellyfish Dragons

    Releasing this Saturday morning in the shop. An edition of 4 at $60 each

  • Daphne

    This Daphne is SOLD. The next round will be coming to our booth at Designer Con in Anaheim. I will keep posting sneak previews of everything coming as we approach November. This year we have a whole booth to ourselves! So expect some awesome surprises.

  • Shop update info

    The shop has been updated!

  • Birthday Boxer 🎂

    Only able to do one of these so don’t miss the next shop update.

  • Pouty Dragons

    Painted up the last two Pouty Dragons. One sold (the monochrome with rainbow spots) and the other will be included in the next shop update!

  • Niles shop update

    Our next shop update (which I don’t know when that will be) will include the last of the Niles giraffes with honey bees. I’ll give plenty of notice though on our social media pages. Here is a look at the last five available.

  • In Honor of Management

    My girl came home yesterday. She’s resting next to her brother. Although if you have boxers, you know it would be more appropriate to put them on top of one another, as that is how they spent most of their lives… In honor of her memory yesterday, I got started on a few statues that…