Category: Uncategorized

  • Day 2 of the Vacation

    Started the morning with the usual lounging routine…. Then we hit Blue lake. Started out by the dam.  Then went off trail a bit. Found some falls. Buckner was manuvering as usual like a pro.  [wpvideo P0hLP7Na] Took a dip in the lake. Then found another spot further off the road. Not a bad day…

  • Hiking in the Wheelchair!

    Decided to try out the new chair on some terrain… [wpvideo 693k0j3q] So the plan was to find a nice little trail, preferably by a stream or creek, where we could test out the chair. And management could get in the water if they felt like it. We found a place somewhere at the end…

  • Vacation begins…

    Day 1 in Lake Tahoe. Vacation has begun! We got in late last night and passed out immediately. Spent the morning exploring around the cabin in the wheels. Took a little getting use to but Buck finally got comfortable rolling across the uneven terrain.  And then management discovered a woodpecker….and all hell broke lose 🙂…

  • Wanna Know How I Got These Scars?

    “Wanna Know How I Got These Scars” A twisted take on Heath Ledger’s ‘Dark Knight’ Joker… The head is wood. Stained, burned and scarred with skull eyes on splashes of white and blood red. The crazy green hair is twisted metal. The body is resin. Painted deep purple with flecks of greens and lighter purples across the…

  • Management and his wheels…

    Management seems to have mastered his wheels. After a weekend running around with the lacrosse team, he didn’t need any treats, bribes or help getting going this morning. He naviagated through the neighborhood like a pro. Now if I can just teach him not to 4×4 it over the neighbors flowers, trampling them all to…

  • “The Whale Rider”

    “The Whale Rider” The Whale Rider figure is a unique mixture of wood, resin, wire and mixed media. His wooden head has been hand painted with a brightly colored abstract and adorned with shells and a copper mohawk hairstyle. His resin body is a translucent blue with splashes of black, gold and aqua across the…

  • “Mr. J”

    “Mr. J” This twisted abstract version of the Joker features a translucent purple resin body with splashes of green and copper. On his chest is the classic fake flower with acid squirting from it. In one hand, a Joker card. In the other, a fired pistol with a ‘Bang’ banner hanging from it. His wooden…

  • Melting Honey Bee Series

    My love for bees has turned into a series of figures: The Melting Honey Bees The Melting Honey Bee’s series consists of translucent amber and black resin bodies, abstract carved, burned and stained wooden heads adorned with vintage inspired Queen bee brooches. Elaborate wire work wrangle in honey bees, that dance around the figure. Each…

  • Supernatural custom figure

    My neice asked me to make a Supernatural art toy for her and what my neice wants, my neice. So under the pressure of trying to be the coolest aunt ever, I came up with this simple little guy.  He’s 3 inches tall. A resin body painted with Baby (the classic Chevelle from the show)…

  • The First 8 inch Piece

      “Kaden” The first of many bigger figures to come! This 8 inch figure features a resin black and yellow body on a honeycomb patterned wood stand. The wooden head is brightly decorated in gold honeycomb, bee’s and splashes of rainbow color. Elaborate wire work of gold, honey and amber dance from hand to hand…

  • “Lost” 12×24 canvas

    “Lost” is another of my recent paintings that came about as a result of my frustrations with Degenerative Myelopathy. My days since becoming an artist full-time have been spent mostly with my dogs. Walking them, playing with them, taking care of them, and in between sun bathing and naps, getting my artwork done. Since Buck…

  • Morrissey

      A twist on one of my favorite paintings, Rene Magritte’s ‘Son of Man’. The resin body is a translucent green and black with flecks of gold and splashes of mint and copper. His pear shaped wooden head is stained, wearing a miniature black bowler hat. He holds copper poles that juggle intricate green and…