Category: Uncategorized

  • Honey Eeyore 2

    The second and last Honey Eeyore coming to Designer Con.

  • Honey Eeyore

    While I admit I am feeling a bit honeyed out so to speak, I did get a lot of messages asking about an Eeyore. So I did not want to disappoint. I will have two of these for my booth at Designer Con. Any that don’t sell will be in the shop on November 20th.

  • Banana Man No.3

    Had to take a break from honey related painting and knock out number 3 of 8 Banana Man figures for Dcon.

  • Honey Canbot

    I finally got to paint up a Czee13 Canbot. I’ve always loved his work. Everyone out there right now seems to have a spray can figure. But his Canbot has always had so much personality. And I love the little details he includes. So I honeyed a few up and here is a look at…

  • Honey Stitch

    Finished this Honey Stitch for Designer Con. Only one I plan on doing. Very excited how it came out.

  • The Extravaganza Has Ended

    Well the auction ended last night, closing the books on another year of Buckner’s Extravaganza! This year we had twelve different artists, all female which was unintentional but awesome, and we raised $1800 after some extra donations came in. That translates to 6 wheelchairs for dogs on the wait list at Tyson’s Wonder Wheel for…

  • Mr. Toad SOLD

    I don’t get a lot of likes on social media. To be honest I hate all the social media algorithms, requirements, work, etc. I’d rather just post a picture of my work and if you like it, great. If not, ok 🙂 So it was a nice surprise to see after posting Mr. Toad had…

  • Honey Mickey’s 2 and 3

    Finished the other two Honey Mickey’s. These are going to Designer Con 2022. If they don’t find a home there, they will go in the shop on November 20th.

  • Honey Mickey

    Painting three different versions of these guys as part of my Designer Con 2022 exclusives. No idea on my booth number yet. But if they don’t find a home that weekend, they will go in the shop November 20th.

  • Buckner’s Extravaganza has begun!

    The auction raising money for Tysons Wonder Wheels for Boxers has begun on the Facebook page. It ends Sunday night. And the shop has been updated. Click the shop now button in the menu to go their directly. Happy birthday to Buckner. Your love made me a better person and everything I do for…

  • Grabbing the Brass Ring

    This little blockhead is in the shop now!

  • Dragon Drop Coming Soon

    On September 21st at 8am PST during my epic all things boxer shop update, I’ll also be dropping my last dragons for. I’ve been painting these guys up for quite some time and I think it’s time to move on. There will be 15 total. Four Donut Dragons and the eleven one offs.