Category: Uncategorized

  • Prepping for Designer Con!

    So I’m pretty much set for Designer Con at this point. Now I’m just trying to add some things to my inventory. So today, I went and replaced the circular head on Prince Charming with a ‘traditional’ love slave head. I plan to the do the same for the other two LOVE word versions of…

  • WIP Sneak Peeks!

    Some work in progress shots from today. Starting first with my Hemingway inspired figure. Just need to paint the head. Then holy mole! The preview of ‘Avocabros’, my cali surfer dude inspired figures that will be available at our Designer Con booth come this November. I came up with this after noticing that anything on…

  • Our First Gallery

    We have several pieces showing now at the Morgan Hill Art Gallery! Stop by and check em out. The gallery is chalked full of local talent and has a very eclectic mix of artwork. You are bound to find something you absolutely love.

  • Today’s Painting

    “A Figment of Assholes” 24×24 acrylic, ink and spray paint

  • The Boxer Love Figure

    Well, this picture pretty much sums me up: boxers, art and toys. Here is the nearly complete latest figure headed to Designer Con perhaps (unless I auction him off to raise money for a boxer rescue).

  • Sin(666)

    Finished another in the series tentatively called the Butchers of the English Language. Here is Sin(666). The series will be at our booth at Designer Con 2015. Details on our booth will be posted soon.

  • Today’s Painting

      As modeled by my boy Buckner, here is today’s painting titled “Santa Cruz Sunset”. It is acrylic, ink and spray paint on 12×36 canvas.

  • Today’s Painting

    “Delicate Beauty Fleeting” 8×10 acrylic, ink and spray paint

  • Butchers of the English Language preview

    Started the first in a series I’m calling for now Butchers of the English Language. Here is Die(187).

  • Paintings & Toys

    Today has been a productive day despite being under the weather. Starting with the completion of a new Esclavo De Amor figure. Then I had a painting kick. So I pulled out a couple 8×10 canvases….

  • Back from New York Comic Con!

    Finally back from New York Comic Con 2015! It was my first time going. Absolutely insane….had a blast and really can’t thank you the crew at Martian Toys enough for having some of my pieces in their booth. Met a lot of great people and talented artists out there. Even had an oppurtunity to set…

  • Today’s Painting

    “The Complexity of Peanut Butter and Jelly” abstract acrylic, ink and spray paint on 11×14 wood panel