Category: Uncategorized

  • New 12×12 abstract acrylic in the gallery…

    “Costa oeste puesta de sol”

  • Boxer Fundraising Totals for 2014

    The numbers are in….after our first full year of operation we raised $2000 dollars for boxer rescues. In 2014, we were able to help raise funds and donate free customs to West Coast Boxer Rescue, Adopt a Boxer Rescue, Norcal Boxer Rescue and Northwest Boxer Rescue. The goal for 2015 is to double our contributions.…

  • Stash Boxes Gallery

    Small Boxes $10 each (shipping would be $5.80) Size is about: 3.5 inches length x 2.5 inches wide x 2 inches tall For custom orders, email [email protected]

  • Custom Treat or Candy Jars now on Esty!

    Thank you to the three people who offered up pictures for our example jars show on Etsy!  For those of you that missed the facebook deal, you can purchase your own custom version in the shop now.

  • Facebook Contest Ended but….

    Our free small box custom giveaway just ended on Facebook. The winner is MeeShell. But to those of you who follow me on Facebook and just missed out on the contest, if you would like a discounted small custom box at $10 (plus 5.80 shipping), just message me.  These normally go for $15 on the…

  • Treat Jars

    I have these new glass jars, perfect for putting candy or dog treats in. I want to add them to the shop for custom orders but I need some examples to use in the shop listing. So if you would like a hugely discounted customized dog treat or candy jar, please comment here, or on…

  • New Month, New Rescue

    Support of Norcal Boxer Rescue through the Etsy shop ends today. We were able to donate a decent sum considering the slowdown after the holidays. March donations from the Etsy shop profits will go to benefit Northwest Boxer Rescue. This includes custom orders placed through there. I’ve added a few items recently to the shop as…

  • New Painting….

    Back from vacation and finishing up from my first painting in over a week. Funny how it feels like it has been forever.

  • Pow Wow Hawaii 2015!

    Just returned from my vacation. The etsy shop is back open. The small bioluminescent picture box is in the shop for custom order. You can also request other size custom boxes with the biolumi option as well. After seeing so much great artwork at Pow Wow Hawaii 2015, I am stoked to get back to…

  • The Etsy shop is on vacation!

    Going to check out a bunch of street art at “Pow Wow” Hawaii and take a much-needed break. So no new paintings or boxes for a week at least. But I will post pictures of the murals. If for nothing else, to make Misty Loe jealous I am on vacation and she is at work.…

  • Abstract Acrylic and Ink on 12X12 Wood

  • New Glow Boxes

    First custom box using gid powder