Category: Uncategorized

  • Dirty Dog…

    This muddy fawn boxer is ready for a bath! I plan on painting up a second one, a muddy white boxer. And then I will raffle one for a boxer rescue. Winner gets to choose between the two colors available. The one that doesn’t get adopted in the fundraiser will end up in the Etsy…

  • Dragons!

    While I have been taking some time off to help Management heal from her surgery and introduce the Intern to some big milestones (like potty training and sleeping in a big boy bed), I have a few new dragons that I am going to release to the etsy shop just before the local art market.…

  • New Paintings in the shop

    In an effort to put a dent in the vet bills, I’ve updated the shop with a bunch of paintings from my personal collection that I hadn’t previously made available to purchase. I have also added some of the sculptures I was saving for Designer Con.

  • Management Post Surgery Update

    Management had her surgery/lumpdectomy on the 17th. She ended up having three lumps removed total. She is recovering nicely after an initially rocky start adjusting to cone life. Luckily the Intern is on a ‘business trip’ for the holiday weekend so she has the whole house to herself to relax and heal. We are waiting…

  • The Butterfly Figures

    While Management naps and the Intern is away, I am taking full advantage of ‘free time’ to finish a set of three figures I am setting aside for Dcon. The way things have been going, I will most likely be taking the rest of the year off for health reasons and just finishing up the…

  • Management Update

    If you follow our social media pages, you know that a few weeks back, I discovered a lump on Kona aka Management. We got it checked out and it turned out to be mammory cancer. Luckily after some blood work and x-rays, we were given the good news that the cancer had not spread. And…

  • New Light Box

    I have been doing a whole lot of cleaning lately. It’s my stress reliever and it takes the pressure off starting the stack of projects on my studio table for Designer Con later this year. In that tidying up process I came across a light box I had been gifted at least a year ago,…

  • Galaxy Kiss Me Boxers

    I hadn’t planned on doing anything boxer for a while. But Management’s surgery to remove her mammory cancer is going to cost a few bucks. So in an effort to put a dent in the bill, I released these special Galaxy Kiss Me Boxers in times for Valentine’s day.

  • Love Pop Dragons

    Edition of 4 coming to the shop this Wednesday at 8am PST

  • Baseball Angel

    “is this heaven? No. It’s Iowa,” My Jacob the baseball Angel figure has returned from a stint at Gallery 1202. Where he suffered some minor damage and need a little repair and tlc. He’s all fixed up now and ready to find a forever home. Named after my childhood best friend who passed away when…

  • Whiskey Bill

    Worked on this little wood and vinyl figure today. Whiskey Bill with his six shooters and Jack Daniels honey flavor whiskey is in the shop now. He is a one of one.

  • New Watercolor Minis in the Shop

    I’m supposed to be “on vacation” and “relaxing” but I just really felt the urge to paint. So these three 4×6 watercolors are in the shop now.