A blog featuring the artwork of ACP, shop updates and the behind the scenes antics of Management and the Intern!

  • BLR Virtual Walk/Run

    We continued our tradition of doing the virtual Boxer Luv Rescue walk/run. Supporting their rescue boxers in Arizona. I’ve done this since Buckner was in a wheelchair so I’m excited to continue the streak with our latest Management, Betsey. Shout out to BLR volunteer Lorie for introducing us to this event. Betsey is a puller…

  • XOXO Boxers

    So the Intern went to the snow with his cousin and grandparents. As soon as he left I started working. Plan is get all the custom Valentine’s Day cards finished this weekend. Get a custom ordered boxer angel finished for a patient client. And then get these guys in the shop. Once all the cards…

  • So You Want More Management

    Whenever people talk to me about the blog, they always tell me they love it. But then they add that it could have more Management stories in it. So let this be your Management fix for the week… Since entering out home in November, we have learned quite a bit about our senior gal, Betsey:…

  • The New Shop

    Management and the Intern have been working together closely to help get our new shop up and running. All the links have been updated on our social media and if you click on the shop button here it will lead you to that new page. I am planning to open it up officially on the…

  • Happy New Year

    We finished our trip to the Sierras and headed back home to the bay in time to figure out that poor Betsey DOES NOT like fireworks. I’m glad we know now so that we can plan our 4th of July accordingly. Happy News Year to everyone! What is in store for us in 2024: Definitely…

  • Vacation

    Taking our vacation on the road this weekend to the Sierras. Hoping to see Betsey enjoy some snow. I’m starting to get messages asking when we will be back to work. Not anytime soon. But I have been adding people to the wait-list and those will be the orders I get to first when I…

  • Adventures With Betsey

    Took Betsey and the Intern to one of our favorite spots in town so the two could get in the mud and puddles. Betsey surprised us by loving the water (most our boxers weren’t fans of it. Now my golden retrievers I had as a kid, different story lol). The two found a nice spot…

  • Gold Drip Boxer Angels

    I had these guys on the studio table a long time. Finally, after some unexpected time to myself for painting (and probably more importantly motivation to paint), I finished these last gold rainbow drip boxer angels. One sold to someone on the dibs list, and the other three are awaiting forever homes. They sit patiently…

  • Spoiling Betsey

    When Betsey came to us in mid November, we didn’t know what she liked. We quickly figured out she wasn’t much into dog toys. No fetch, tugging or play fighting. Definitely no other dogs. She was very interested in being around her people and loved to cuddle on the couch with us. She loves watching…

  • Finished Custom Xmas Boxer

    During our last fundraiser for Charlie’s Foundation, someone donated $500. I decided to go ahead and paint them a custom Xmas ornament for such a generous donation, as well as draw a name from the raffle. Here is a look at a finished custom Xmas boxer on the left. The right was what these ornaments…

  • Betsey is hired!

    After my heartbreak with Linus not working out for our family, I put all the dog stuff away. And told the rescue I needed some time to regroup. Thinking I wasn’t ready for a puppy. My husband and I weren’t ready for another senior. And my son has some particular needs that may be hard…

  • Betsey!

    Ok, Betsey is an absolute doll! She is so sweet and cuddly. And super well mannered. Knows more commands then any dog I’ve previously had combined lol She is acting like she is already home. I don’t know how to describe it really but Kona did the same thing. My husband is already calling her…

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