A blog featuring the artwork of ACP, shop updates and the behind the scenes antics of Management and the Intern!

  • The Betsey Has Landed

    Sweet Betsey arrived around noon. She is spunky for 9 years old and moves around like a pup! She’s also very open and curious. I think I expected closed off and timid because of her back story. Not at all. Very sweet and loving. She knows sit, shake, down. Very well mannered. The Intern loves…

  • Fostering a Senior

    I had been moping for some time over my failures with Linus, when I saw the story of Betsey. Here is what R&R Boxer Rescue wrote about Betsey on facebook: “Friends, I want to introduce you to Betsey. Betsey is 9 years old and has a story to tell. It’s not a good one, and…

  • Fundraiser Alert

    Trying to stay occupied the last few days mentally and weighed down with guilt. So the best thing I can think to do to get my butt out of this funk is to help boxers. FUNDRAISER ALERT It’s adopt a senior month. In honor of my best senior girl Kona and our first Christmas without…

  • Linus Has Resigned

    Linus resigned his position as Management officially a day ago. I couldn’t sleep at all the first night without Linus. I didn’t want to say anything to anyone about it honestly. But I had messages pouring in asking for my address to send Linus a care package. And what did he like? What did he…

  • Settling in

    We picked up Linus on Saturday. It’s now Monday and I’m getting a lot of messages about how he is settling in. The picture above is from last night when he cuddled with me on the bed for a bit, just the two of us, watching a little tv together. I think that smile on…

  • The Story of Linus

    If you follow us on social media, you saw that yesterday we went and picked up our new Management hire, Linus. This has been top secret (ok not really that top secret, because like a kid at Christmas, I was just too excited and telling everyone that would listen about Linus for the last week)…

  • Boxer Angel Ornaments preview

    Initially I was going to drop this last batch of ornaments in the shop on Oct. 16th. But I’m going to move it up now to Oct. 1st so that I can be done with my commitments for the year and take some time to relax and grieve the loss of Management completely. Here is…

  • Rainbow Boxer Angel Ornaments

    I added a rainbow boxer angel ornament to the Buckner’s Extravaganza auction today. I won’t be adding anything else. Some of the items got up there quickly (which is great for the rescue boxers). But I thought adding in one more small thing for people to have a chance at would be nice. The auction…

  • Gold Rainbow Drip Angels

    The Gold Angel boxers got some rainbow coloring added today. And this is usually the part where people freak out. Either because they love it or they just wanted a gold boxer. I unfortunately am incapable of doing just a plain ole gold boxer angel. I love color and it just brings these angels to…

  • Buckner’s Extravaganza 2023

    “Buckner’s Extravaganza” is named after my first boxer and heart dog, Buckner, who passed away in 2018 from DM. In his honor I like to do a big fundraiser for rescue starting on his birthday. All funds raised go to boxer rescue. This year we are supporting R&R Boxer Rescue. R&R Boxer Rescue is an…

  • Kona

    Kona came into our lives sometime in July of 2021. We had lost our dear Mookie in April quite suddenly. The house was very empty (save for the Intern). And my husband and I thought we would try vacation fostering. Just to see how we felt about possibly adding a dog to our family again.…

  • Buckner’s Extravaganza!

    Buckner was my first boxer and my heart dog. Every year on his birthday I celebrate by raising money for rescue boxers. A few years ago I started having other artists join me and now we have “Buckner’s Extravaganza”! On September 21st, on our facebook page, we put up for auction one of a kind…

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