Happy New Year

We finished our trip to the Sierras and headed back home to the bay in time to figure out that poor Betsey DOES NOT like fireworks. I’m glad we know now so that we can plan our 4th of July accordingly.

Happy News Year to everyone!

What is in store for us in 2024:

Definitely going to continue our mission of helping boxer rescues. We’ve already had some new rescues reach out and looking forward to expanding our network.

I’m also going to be doing a lot of new boxer artwork to keep things fresh. Different figures and some big canvas paintings.

I’m working on a couple new writing projects.

I’m still working on building a new online shop.

Beyond that, who knows. My non boxer artwork hasn’t really been selling. Not sure if it’s not appealing or if it’s the economy or what. So I feel like I’m still in a holding pattern plotting my way forward. If you’re reading this, I would love to hear what you would love to see from me.

All things aside, I’m staying on hiatus through January and February at least. I want my son to get back on schedule (super important with autism) and to get myself on a healthy routine. Betsey has been keeping me on track with lots of walks.






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