XOXO Boxers

So the Intern went to the snow with his cousin and grandparents. As soon as he left I started working. Plan is get all the custom Valentine’s Day cards finished this weekend. Get a custom ordered boxer angel finished for a patient client. And then get these guys in the shop.

Once all the cards are finished I know a few of you wanted to order some more. You can message me Monday about that. Otherwise, I plan to let the new shop do it’s thing so to speak and work quietly behind the scenes on some boxer rescue fundraising artwork.

I do miss the Intern. Even though quiet and sleep are pretty awesome. When he’s gone I just feel like I’m missing out on something. I want to be able to go on these trips with him and not stay home working.

Management on the other hand took full advantage of his absence positioning herself higher up on the bed…

I was pretty sure last night she expected me to sleep on the couch in the family room.

The XOXO Boxers will be in the shop tomorrow Saturday by noon PST. I wish I had an exact time for you but I’m still working some technical issues out on the new shop. But I’ll post a picture on Facebook as soon as they drop live.






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