A blog featuring the artwork of ACP, shop updates and the behind the scenes antics of Management and the Intern!

  • “Tormented Summer”

    “Tormented Summer” This representation of summer moods through tumultuous weather is captured via golden oak stained wood, burned in the grain. With vibrant gum drop buttons and blue rhinestone clouds and a bright sun/crescent moon broach. A colorful abstract floating around the other faces and down the trunk popping off soft white clouds. It is…

  • Crazy week…

    The past couple weeks have been hectic to say the least. The Intern started pre-school last week. The first day went semi easy. A little crying off and on throughout the time he was there, and he ran into my arms at pickup. The second day was way harder. He knew mommy was leaving him…

  • Shop Updated

    Updated the shop today with a few items. Including muddy boxers, my baby hummingbird sculpture and my hot air balloon sculpture that was originally destined for Designer Con. Not pictured are a handful of newly painted boxer angel ornaments as well. You can add to any order for $5 (paid separately from Etsy) just by…

  • NBC Boxers

    These three are available now. Message via Facebook or Instagram. They are 12 inches tall x 5.5 inches wide and a quarter inch thick. Ready to hang.

  • For All the Boxers I’ve Loved Before

    If you follow the Facebook page you might have seen a wall hanging I was working on for a rescue fundraiser. I decided I would do a smaller version and drop it in the shop on Management’s gotcha day. Size wise it is 20 inches x 8 inches. I’m calling it, “For All The Boxers…

  • Rainbow Boxer Angel Ornaments

    Dropped a small batch of rainbow boxer angels in the shop just now. Getting the rest painted up for October 16th release. Probably somewhere around 50 in that batch. And that is it for 2023.

  • Turn Left At Albuquerque

    Designer Con is in December this year and I have a decided to host a booth solo after spending the last several years co-hosting with another artist. I really am not sure how things will go. The change in date putting it much closer to the holidays does make me nervous, But as I have…

  • Sneak Peek

    Here is a look at the Big Ole Rainbow Boxer Angel Box that will be in our Buckner’s Extravaganza auction on our Facebook page on September 21st. I made two that will be dropping in the shop as soon as the reserved commission version that’s listed in the shop is purchased. So that could be…

  • Rainbow Angel Boxes

    Getting some Rainbow Boxer Angel boxes ready. There will be a small and a medium listed in the Etsy shop soon. The other two shown are spoken for (a medium has ‘dibs’ by a long time follower and the large will be in our Buckner’s Extravaganza auction). I won’t be making anymore after this so…

  • Shop Sale

    There is a sale going on in the esty shop for the 4th of July holiday. 15% off all items through July 5th. After that I plan on putting the shop back into vacation mode. Management is doing ok, but definitely having trouble walking now and I’m having issues with her going potty. So I…

  • Woodies On the Wharf

    Today was Woodies on the Wharf in Santa Cruz. I have always wanted to go this event. The pandemic shut it down for a few years. But finally it is back and the family had time to go. We did leave Management at home because dogs are not normally allowed on the wharf, though we…

  • This Post is About Merrill Markoe

    Since having a baby, way back in 2019, I cannot recall the last time I actually read for fun. In fact, while I was pregnant I was reading everything I could get my hands on about babies and how not to mess up as a mom 🙂 Here we are in the middle of 2023…

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